Guide to Buying Minimalist Trail Running Shoes

By Becky Bowles

There is a wide variety of minimalist trail running shoes available in the market. The many options can make choosing the right one a bit confusing, especially if you do not know what to consider. Below are some of the main factors that you should put into consideration.

Your Running Style

Before making your selection, you need to know your barefoot running style. This is because thesports shoes minimalist running shoes have different cushioning, if any, for the different barefoot running styles. The three basic running styles are forefoot strike, mid-foot strike, and heel strike. The forefoot strike is designed for sprinters and short distant runners. Mid-foot strike spreads the impact across a larger surface and is usually used by marathon runners after fatigue has kicked in. Minimalist running shoes are not ideal for heel strike running style. You should thus consider changing the running style if you want to use the shoes. The arching of your feet should also be considered as it also determines the position and amount of cushioning for the minimalist shoes that you should choose.


Another major consideration to make when choosing a minimalist running shoe is fit. They should fit perfectly on your feet without a lot of space around the toes as is the case with traditional running shoes. Remember to have your socks on while fitting if you intend to wear socks while using them.

Material Used

The minimalist trail running shoes can be made from a variety of materials. The qualities of the material that you look for should include durability. This will ensure that you won’t have to go back shopping for the shoes again anytime soon. Machine washable materials are also excellent for obvious reasons.


trail shoes There are virtually limitless designs for the minimalist trail running shoes. The design you choose will depend on your personal preferences. You can also consider the running gear that you use and choose a shoe design and color that matches it. Check the type of shoe closure as well. It can be either strap closure or quick-lace closure.


There are several features that you have to consider as they determine how comfortable and practical minimalist shoes can be. The main features are the height of the shoe sole, amount of flexibility, shoe weight, toe box area, and heel-to-toe drop. Make sure the shoes you choose have the right combinations of all the features.…