Making the Best Pick: Lightweight Camping Chair

By Robert Cole

Camping chairs have been around for decades. Like everything else in the world of manufactured products, their quality and design attributes have changed over the years. Subsequently, buying a lightweight camping chair that suits your needs can be a challenge if you don’t know what to look for. Make the best pick in this regard by aligning the features of the lightweight camping chairs for your camping needs.


Weight Factors

If you’re buying the chair(s) for a campsite that you run as a business, then you don’t have control over who sits on it. Customers come in all sizes in terms of weight – making it prudent to get camping chair(s) that can accommodate people with varying body weights. The story changes if the chair is intended for personal camping use. In this regard, you could go for a chair that matches your body weight since you don’t expect to share it with various people whenever you’re out and about.


Value-adding Features

A camping chair with a drink holding slot is convenient if you like setting up camp in picturesque places where you can have a drink or two as you enjoy the view. Drink holders can be multiple along the chair’s armrest. Having more than one drink holder is more advantageous for people who are into cock-tail drinks that are mixed on the spot. They enable you to stay organized and hygienic while on a camping spree. The holder should be easy to clean.


camping chairConstruct Materials

Camping chairs are designed to be portable. Their design attributes also take on different dimensions because they can be made of various materials. Those that are made of aluminum are commendable for camping along seashores. Beachfront camping areas are prone to high humidity with salt content. Camping chairs that are made of aluminum are therefore likely to last longer in this kind of campsites as opposed to those that are made of other metals.


Camping Style

Note that the chairs can be made of mesh, nylon or canvas. Your taste and preferences determine the material you choose as it can also pivot on the camping statement that you wish to project. People who are into militaristic camping concepts could, for instance, do with the jungle green canvas types as the nylon option works well if you’re into party-like camping themes because they come in more vivid design and colors.


Size Matters

You can choose between single and double camping chairs. This is a choice that you can make based on whether you go on camping expeditions on your own or with your loved ones. The idea behind the double design enables you to add a romantic touch to your camping adventures. It also grants you a family-like feel in the sense that as you share one of the double chairs with your spouse, your children or friends can share the other double lightweight camping chair. Double camping chairs sell at discounted prices given that the single chairs are usually slightly cheaper than the double types. In essence, you get two camping chairs at a price of one.…