Best Surfboard Buying Tips for Beginners

By Robert Cole

Surfing is a fun sport that can only be dealt with using the right tools. When the conditions are right, you are assured of having a splendid time. Not to mention how much better it can be when you have a great company. The guys at Wet Squid argue that for you to enjoy surfing, you will need one of the best surfing boards out there to see you through it all. However, the real problem emerges when you know you need to pick the right one but are clueless on how to go about it. With a beginner’s guide to buying a surfboard, nothing could go wrong.

The Weight

man carrying surfboadMost fans of surfing are usually very keen on the overall weight of the surfboard they are about to buy. You are better off buying it at a local store where you can touch, feel and lift it. This is in contrast to buying it online where you are not too sure of what exactly you should expect from it all. The disappointing part is when your delivery arrives, and it’s not exactly what you expected.

It gets even trickier when you spent a fortune, and the company in question sticks to its guns about the ‘no refund’ policy. The best thing is to buy a surfboard where you witness the thrill firsthand.

Durability Factor

This is not something to think twice about. On the contrary, you would settle for a surfboard whose durability status is at par with your expectations. Besides having to buy something you would end up replacing, you need a strong surfboard that will see you through all your surfing experiences.

The best part is that you will only replace it when you feel like you need to add a fresh feel to surfing. A durable surfboard saves you time, money as well as energy. One way to tell if a surfboard is durable enough is through the material used in making it. You can also know the client reviews posted online.

The Length

child surfingIt’s good to be practical as well as realistic when looking into this factor. Don’t pick one that’s a bit too long to fit in the car. If you do, are you going to drag it across the surface all the way to the beach? Pick a length that matches your phase as a surfer. There is one for every stage including the beginner’s as well as the advanced level. Once you gauge yourself, you will be able to tell precisely which length would be suitable for your surfing activity. If that’s not enough, you can as well seek an expert’s opinion on the whole matter. By the time they are through, you will be ready to face the waves fearlessly.

Care and Maintenance

It is not enough that you finally managed to pick the best surfboard. You still have to be committed to it and take proper care of it. Durability is not assured if you don’t apply some necessary care and maintenance practices on it. For instance, cleaning it up and storing it safely when you’re through with it would be a good start. You can then move to the complex matters only known to the experts.…